Philtronics have been our manufacturing partner for a couple of years now and have helped shepherd our Braille e-reader from prototype to a successful product. Everyone we speak to assumes we get Canute made off-shore. No-one expects that something this affordable, complex, for blind people, is manufactured in the UK.
Canute 360 has a totally original actuation method, all-custom designed hardware, including thousands of moving parts, and very tight per machine costs that makes batch manufacture a unique challenge. Building such a complex machine has required a great deal of patience, experimentation and flexibility.
Components, quality control and build processes have required constant adjustments, often last minute or during the build itself. Therefore it was vital for our project that we had a manufacturing partner that could roll with these demanding and changing processes.
Philtronics were able to scale up from a handful of machines, to a batch of 30, to our first commercial batch of 90.
To make that sort of impact on people's lives with an original, complex and demanding product, you need to be working with the right manufacturer.